Hello, and welcome to my Atari Links Page.
Here you can find links to some other Atari pages on the Web, including a section of
Atari Mailing Lists. Also nearer the end are some
other sites that I find interesting, including a section of Online Newspapers
(The Media & Broadcasting).
If you find any links that are broken, or you have links that you think ought to be in
here, then please email
Note that those Links with
against them, this means that the URL address of the site has changed recently.
Index of Categories
Atari Internet Resources & News
If available, each link goes to English pages, for example in the case of
place2be (now sadly offline), the link goes to the English page, even though
there are German and Polish pages too.
Also note that each link is to the full address (where known), but I've
included the Atari.Org redirection address in a smaller type, so if you
suspect that the page hasn't been updated because it has been moved then try
the Atari.Org link which should take you to the correct page (though let me
know the correct address!).
However Atari.Org has had problems in the past with the reliability of its
server, which makes it better to keep the full address available.
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- Atari Users Network
Another good site, similar to Atari.Org. Atari news often appears first on here, thanks
to Dan Ackerman (Baldrick).
- MagiC Online
A good page for news and utilities for the MagiC multitasking software. Hasn't been
updated for some time, but is due for relaunching later this summer.
- The Atari Hyperlink Launchpad
San Francisco, USA.
- (launchpad.atari.org)
Trondheim, Norway.
Wellington, New Zealand.
Good site with lots of Atari links. This site is mirrored at three locations around the world.
Choose the site closest to you for the best speed. Hasn't been updated for some time.
- The Atari Quick FAQ
- (quickfaq.atari.org)
This is the Atari Quick FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Use this site if you have a question
about Atari 16/32bit computers. Especially good for beginners!
The Ultimate T.O.S Software Index
- (utsi.atari.org)
Lots of Atari programs to download, over 1000 available!
- TransAction
The TransAction translation crew who specialise in translating software from other languages so
that the rest of the world can use them!
- Atari Central
- CyberSTrider
Was originally a shareware registration service, now it's become an Internet hosting and
domains company.
- place2be
An excellent Atari news site, get the latest news from the German Atari scene. Currently
offline, sadly.
- Retro Review
This is the website of Retro Review which caters for a lot of old consoles and computers,
including Atari machines.
Atari Software: Games & Emulation
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- GEM Candy
Dan Ackerman's new site, GEM Candy. Lots of games and fun stuff to download.
- Matt's Atari Shack
Lots of downloads and links to websites.
- Patrice Mandin
Patrice Mandin's site, author of ports of Doom, Hexen and similar id Software games
to the Atari.
- Rhea-Fx
Authors of Cyberdrome, an excellent multi-player arcade game. Originally commercial
software, in 1998 was improved and updated. A shareware v1.2 of the game has come out.
- The Little Green Desktop
A great site to download games for use on ST emulators.
- Bredroll
- (bredroll.atari.org)
Good site, offering lots of games downloads (and others)!
- The Steem Engine
- (steem.atari.org)
This site contains what I consider to be the best Atari ST emulator on the PC, it
comes recommended!
- Pangaelin Willow's TOS Page
This is a place to get rom images for use with Atari emulators on other machines. This is
a different site I found to replace the one on here before. They have many international
roms for Atari 8-bit machines, through ST, Falcon and TT, to more unusual ones, eg
SuperTOS (not sure what this is!), or TOS v4.92!
unless you actually own an original Atari you would be breaking copyright downloading
an image.
Atari Mailing Lists

These are lists which get sent to your email box, after you've subscribed to
them with the links here. Bear in mind though that you'll only get the best out of
them if you actually post messages to them! ;-))
Most of the lists here are from the Yahoo! Groups website, which has lists for virtually all
subjects (not just Atari). Highly recommended!
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- AtariNews: On the Prowl
List for news for the Lynx and Jaguar games systems.
- Atari Users
Mailing and discussion list for all Atari Users.
- Atari-ST
Mailing and discussion list for Atari ST/TT/Falcon users.
- MagiC OS
Mailing and discussion list for users of the MagiC operating system, including MagiCPC
and MagiCMac.
- Atari ICQ
Mailing and discussion list for users of the Atari mICQ and aICQ programs.
- Blaggers NeST
List aimed at former users of the NeST, an Atari bulletin board network (popular before
the Internet became common).
- Atari TransAction
Mailing and discussion list for members of the TransAction Atari translation crew.
- Cheshunt Computer Club
My own mailing list for members and prospective members of the Cheshunt Computer Club. The
CCC is based in Cheshunt, Herts, UK, and the List is only for those who live near there
and who want to join the Club.
- Atari Demo Scene
The newly resurrected Atari Scene mailing list, for anyone with the remotest interest
in Demos!
Apologies to my international visitors, this is currently UK only news sites, but I do
live in the UK! :-) However in the case of the BBC, their reputation is reknowned throughout
the world for impartiality and quality, and I hope that you'll like their service.
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Sci-Fi & Fantasy
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- TheForce.net
Star Wars News site, get the gossip on the new Star Wars films!
- Star Wars.com
Another Star Wars site, this time the official site that contains information about the forthcoming
Episodes II and III.
- Lord of the Rings.net
This is the official site for the Lord of the Rings trilogy of films, the first of which,
The Fellowship of the Ring, is due out in December 2001, with the others following in 2002,
and 2003.
Please direct any comments to James Haslam at:
or ICQ 37135025 (my Nickname is JazHaz)
Copyright © James Haslam - This page last updated on: 14/3/2004
(since 27/1/2002)